2024 Mission Update

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and blog. We are humbled by the compassion of so many Christians around the world. It provides hope that love is still more powerful than hate. Thank God for that. Jesus Christ displayed the greatest love of all when He died on a cruel cross for all the sins of mankind. He died that many could live. Praise God.

The work in Central America is going very well. God has taken a small spark and ignited the hearts of so many young people. They are reviving the communities. They are taking the torch of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And we are thankful for this. The aim is always to build a legacy of laying up “treasure” in Heaven. Treasure that cannot be stolen or lost. 


Drive by God to Work in 2024

With the leading of the Holy Spirit of God and His perfect Word, we are looking to accomplish the following in 2024:

1) Medical Mission Trip.

2) Sponsor more young people for educational training.

3) Sponsor more single-parent low-income households.

4) Train more Christian young adults to be Faith Pioneers.

These activities are “good works” driven by love. They have an internal impact on the communities where we serve.

All Volunteer Program

Adopt a Family Fund Inc is supported solely by generous donors and sponsors. All funds are used exclusively to positively impact the lives of individuals and families struggling in extreme poverty. Our priority is to share the love of God with each person. This includes giving them hope, opportunity, and compassion. 

Everyone serving in Adopt a Family Fund is volunteer. Yes, one hundred percent are unpaid volunteers. Bondservants of Jesus Christ that have a passion to help others. Please pray that everyone will serve wholeheartedly with the strength of God incredible power. 

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