Our team is committed to doing great things in 2022. With one mission trip accomplished in January 2022, we are looking to follow up with a late 2022 Medical Mission Trip. Please pray that this can happen.

We cannot thank every donor enough for their efforts on behalf of those struggling in poverty. The drastic global lockdowns have produced incredible suffering. Please remain determined to help those who need a helping hand. People are struggling with hunger. Many have lost their jobs, and others cannot afford medical care,

Jesus Christ led us to bring relief, compassion and love.

Mission Trip Activities included:

Clothing Distribution

Food Distribution

Feast for Poor Households

Toy Give-A-Way

With your love, support, prayers and God’s guidance, we were able to make an eternal impact on the people of Honduras. Please continue to pray that the Lord will help us to deliver the “gifts” of love from His people in late 2022.

Adopt a Family Fund
"Let's Change the World!"

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” 

James 1:27