Our two week mission in early January 2023 was a success. Our all volunteer teams worked seamlessly to assist individuals and families that live in poverty. God was truly leading the team each day during the trip.
Over the two week span we held 4 outreach clinics. People were supplies with food, clothing, footwear, reading glasses, clinic services, gifts and hugs. Our team consisted of 5 adults and 9 teenagers. Over 1,000 people were served through these outreach clinics.
Youth, Elderly and Families
In addition to the outreach clinics, we held a special day for the elderly. They were treated with a meal, dessert, games, prizes and plenty of love. This special days was follow up with a day for the Youth and the families that are participants in our program. Everyone received a gift, food, and had a wonderful time signing, playing games, and fellowshipping.
Mercy to the Sick
Our team visited one of the hospitals in the area. We assisted lower income families with food, supplies, and other items. The families we assisted were struggling with affording medicines. The hospitals have such low budgets that many families have to find a way to purchase medicines for procedures, recovery and pain management. We helped close this gap with the right relief items.
Thank you
We cannot thank the people that donate to our work enough. Your gracious donations were used to help over 1,000 people to live better lives. Your mercy was shown through our voluteer team. Mercy triumphed! To the glory of God.

- Food Bags Provided
- Provided Gifts
- Footwear Distrubution
- Eyeware + Tests
- Hot Meals
- Hospital Support Services
- Clothing Distribution

- Toys Distributed
- Medical Clinic
- Care Packs for Men
- Care Packs for Women
Young Volunteers
This mission trip involved 9 Honduras volunteers between the ages 17 and 22. Native Hondurans working hard to help their people.
We are thankful and proud of the efforts of these young people. It shows the bright future that Honduras has… Please pray for them.