January 2022 Mission

Our recent Mission Trip to Honduras was very successful. Over 600 people were served over a 10-day period. Distribution of clothing, food, school supplies and other items were performed by a 15-member team of volunteers.

So many people are struggling due to the negative impacts of the handling of Covid-19. People are hungry, and in need of household supplies. Please pray. Pray that God will deliver relief to each person.

Medical Clinics

We held three clinic days. During these events we help free medical clinics, distributed household over-the-counter medicines, shoes, pants, shirts, socks, toys, household goods, school supplies, and more. A total of 10 large barrels of supplies were distributed to those struggling in extreme poverty.

Street Ministry

Another amazing accomplishment was distribution of supplies to people living in the streets. Homeless people with very little resources and food. As Jesus Christ would do, He led us to deliver mercy to these people. Each personal that received a “mercy package” was overjoyed. We left them with a big smile on their face.

Encouraging Young People

With so many young people heading to the United States, many young people that still reside in the poorer neighborhoods struggle with having hope. We made a concerted effort to encourage young people. Along with the local Church of Christ, we held several “Youth Events“. A time to play games, sing songs, and look toward a better future. The attendance was great. The young people are excited to help their country. Many have turned to Christ for strength.

Building Up Parent + Guardians

Parents and guardians are vital. They are the glue that holds a household together. We work closely with these individuals to ensure that we have their backs. Most importantly, we make it clear that God is on their side. There was a dinner held in honor of the parents and guardians. They were able to feast on chicken, salad, fruits and drinks.

They also participated in games, contests, prayer, singing and fellowship. Praise God that the Adopt a Family Fund had the capacity to make this happen. So much laughter was present during this amazing time. The parents and guardians were encouraged.

Why We Serve in Honduras

Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the world. The true poverty rate is as high as 66%. One in five rural residents’ lives in extreme poverty. Violence is another issue. There are sixty-seven homicides per 100,000 inhabitants each year.

  • Imagine growing up in one of the poorest communities in Honduras. How would you feel?
  • How would you feel if gang members approached you? Approached without any recourse or hope that someone will help you.

How we help in the name of Jesus Christ

Regardless of the risk or what others do, we must always continue the mission that Jesus Christ describes in His word. He calls us to help others. Some scripture texts that explain this are Isaiah 58, Matthew 25:31-46, and James 1:27.

We focus on:

  • Training Young Adults. Teaching them o help their communities and to live a life of love.
  • Educating children from the poorest communities.
  • Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the poor.
  • Helping elderly people overcome poverty, loneliness.
  • Encouraging the churches. Showing unity in the global kingdom by holding out the hand of fellowship.
  • Helping young people avoid bad decisions.
  • Helping single parent households to recovery and thrive.

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